The way I see it.

By christinePears

A Poppy for Molly

I was so shocked and saddened when I learned of the terrible news last night of Molly's death. I could not fully understand the depth of my reaction but I think that Cabbagetree's comment helped when she said "I have learned today that virutal friends can be as important as real ones"

Molly was one of the first people that I subscribed to when I joined Blip and I was initially attracted by her beautiful blips of Tuscany but when I saw she had a red poppy on her biographical page I realised that we would have a lot in common! I was very surprised and encouraged when she subscribed right back and since that day she had given me encouraging comments on practically all my blips. It is only now that I have realised that while taking shots I have been thinking "I wonder what Molly will have to say about this one?"

She was so generous with her time, with many people and we will miss her insight, knowledge and humour that she shared with us all. This red poppy is a tribute to our dear friend. Blipland is a sadder place today for her passing.

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