Tomasz K

By tomasz

Strange days

The weather has been quite peculiar lately, not just here but everywhere, 100 year drought, flood storm records all over the world.If you believe the conspiracy theorists, there are no more nuclear but weather wars, hence HAARP, Chemtrails, NWO etc. You can judge for yourself on youtube. Sure there is a lot of crop amongst the uploads, but some of it is quite scary. Sometimes makes me wonder although I try not to think about it too much.

Anyway, I was short of a Blip tonight, and just before I got home, I got to see this. I promise you, it looked like someone was pouring water over the clouds: So much water, that it looked like it was pouring off the sides of the clouds. Sure it's an optical illusion, but quite spectactular nonetheless. I've slightly toned it down so as not to exagerate the effect.

HDR of course, and good in large : )

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