Pippa Middleton's bum

Another royal wedding stencil from Don. This time for Pippa Middleton, who seems to have stolen some of the show from her sister on account of having a nice bum. There's even the Pippa Middleton Ass Appreciation Society. And why not?

Almost saw a fight this morning on the train... train rage or commuter rage I guess you could call it. Some guy rushing to get off at Vauxhall, kicked another man's laptop bag out the door and it fell between the train and the platform. Then instead of doing the decent thing and apologising, he started giving a bit of verbal back to the other guy, who had to get off the train to retrieve his bag. It descended into a bit of a shouting match on the platform, and maybe went on to fisticuffs, but the train left before we could see that. Excitement of the day...

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