My Aim is True


Let's do it.

I knew that educated fleas and bees do it. And here we have proof that birds do it. (I spent a bit of time looking for John Inman's version, can't find it though. I am imagining that it's going to be really bad. anyone know?)

A rather boring day. And looking for blip inspiration I decided on a mundane roof scape. Then realised that these gulls were at it.

I know, I know. Morally I should have taken out a gun and shot them. But like all great photographers sometimes you have to let the need for great art overtake one's civic duty. I hope I can live with myself.....

Not much else to report. laughed at a lot of clients. Now that us working folks no longer have final salary pensions, company cars and cheap mortgages, it's the only perk left in most workplaces.

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