jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Ant & Vicky

So happy to be at Ant & Vicky's wedding today! A hugely long-awaited day to see Ant get married, and my goodness didn't he do well :D

We are staying with friends up in Manchester this weekend, arrived late last night. Had a wander around Salford Shopping Centre in the morning, bought shoes and lunch and found a pharmacy that had the needles I need for my insulin pens in stock! *phew* Otherwise I would have run out tomorrow.

Beautiful wedding ceremony, great message about covenant love which brings freedom rather than contractual love which binds and holds us back. Good stuff!

Dropped Ben off at my dad's house with a flying visit, it's a good job Ben loves his grandad as he was utterly happy with the situation :) Apparently there was only one little moment where things threatened to go into meltdown, when Ben finished his juice and dad went to top it up with juice out of my juice bottle. "No Ben have mummy juice, NO Ben have mummy juice!!!" such distress!! Thankfully dad realised the problem and was able to find the alternative source of juice refillingness. *phew* crisis averted! He enjoyed naan bread and rice for his tea, and fell asleep on the sofa later on...

We on the other hand sped over to Tytherington for the reception, stopping for diesel and a sandwich en route. (Memories of previous pregnancy came back to Steve at this point as he bought me a chicken and bacon club sandwich. 10 weeks pregnant although that time we were staying in China for my brother's wedding, surviving on room service of chicken and bacon club sandwiches and chips...) Made it just in time to get out of the car after a horrible short sharp shower of rain - the rain held off long enough to take photographs outside in the beautiful grounds, and returned with a vengeance during the dinner! Wonderful speeches: there is real heartfelt love and affection for these guys and it's evident. We stayed long enough to see the first dance (very late at nearly 9.30pm!) and then had to go and collect Ben and get back to our lodgings.

Thankyou Ant and Vicky for inviting us, we had a blast - apart from it being wonderful to see you get married it was brilliant catching up with so many old friends! And it was LOVELY being able to have dinner in peace without having to share with a 2-yr-old :D

Ben was collected, Steve put him in the car and he fell back asleep almost instantly. Got back to Salford, and Steve carried him into the house and up to our room and put him into bed, and even though he was asking for mummy Steve told him to lie down and he'd go find mummy - and Ben lay down, pulled the duvet over himself, and fell asleep. Beautiful :)

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