Points of view

Depending on where you stand, you see things differently.

We went for a walk tonight, to be a bit nosy. It turns out that on Saturday night when we had the monstrous thunderstorm there was a lightning strike on one of the houses about 5 minutes walk from ours. So we went to see if we could see any damage. We didn't see anything but we had a lovely walk!

Was playing around with the camera, trying to play with scale and depth to make James look as big as Corin, and in one picture, much smaller than he actually is. I can feel some more 'playing' coming on. (The rest are here)

Driven about 150 miles today - to work this morning, from work to Liverpool, then to the hospital, drove around for 15 minutes at the hospital to try and locate the only department that didn't have it's own sign, then drove back to nana's, then home.

Nana's scan went well - good news. In some respects - doesn't give us an answer, but it reassures that she doesn't have narrowing of her arteries, so that's one risk down! Nice to spend time with her, although she was clearly nervous and also thinks that we are all making an almighty fuss about nothing ("I'm ok love, I just had too much sun that day" "I'm ok love, I'm just getting old and losing my marbles"....that sort of thing). I want to wave a magic wand and make her knees and hips better and stop whatever this situation is from making her "go a bit funny" as she likes to put it.

I am also struck by how many times my lovely little Nana can squeeze the word "friggin'" (as an adjective) into an afternoon of conversation. She tells the most dreadful and oftentimes very rude jokes too!

Strange moment of the day was when Florence Nightingale, some Doctors (in period dress), and an entourage of primary school age children dressed as Doctors and Nurses walked down the corridor of the hospital singing "A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down"....no camera of course. Dur - left it in the boot of the car!!! It is International Nurses Day and Fazakerly hospital celebrate it every year with this dressing up, singing and bringing the hospital to life. It was lovely.

I'm off for a glass of hot water and honey, then it's bath and bed for me.

night night

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