La vida de Annie

By Annie

Essential reading

This is my last blip from the hospital and is a chart on the inside of the door of the ward loo.. I have been test-driving a Zimmer frame (scary and wobbly and allows you to fall backwards) and some crutches (slightly better in that I can move at a quickening snail's pace but can't stop as it's a sort of semi-controlled forward fall with arm extensions). Opting for the crutches as they're sexier (i.e. a bit less Old-Lady), I have been shown how to use them to get up and down stairs, which I can do as long as there are no more than 4 because that's when I come over all dizzy and my good leg starts twitching. I took this while resting on the loo seat lid after the huge effort of getting across the room - I have no pockets so won't tell you how I transported the camera, although by way of hint I can say now would be a good time to still have those sturdy navy-blue school knickers. Sorry for the uninspiring series of hospital images although in a way it does summarise quite well my highs and lows here. Home will be a different set of challenges with I suspect ever more boring pics...

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