The Photo Diary of Alison

By alisoncrawford

Actually Considered Friday Night

Friday night Aimee and I went down to First Friday where we looked at some artwork, danced our booties off, partied, danced to frat-party polka-ish, lindy hop-ish music at a place that smelled like sausages, danced even more at Aimee's house, and made some new friends in the process. Oh, and at one point I fell on the sidewalk and scraped my knees. OUCH! All-in-all, it was a fun night. And I think it's funny that when people or departing or I am departing from a juncture, that they must insist on telling me how great my dance moves are. I am beginning to question the seriousness of this remark. Hopefully it IS that I am a seriously awesome dancer.

In this photo: Moc, me, and Aimee

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