Doing Things Differently

By PhilWWalton

Its Bugging Me! @savebutterflies

A variable day weatherwise, but solid gold for nature! Mike saw me heading out and on the spur of the moment joined me. Much better than weeding, he said. We parked in the exotically named Ninevah Lane and walked two thirds of the way round Lowther Lake. Mostly cool because of the wind, the sun did shine from time to time. We saw or heard six species of warbler that we could identify and probably three or four more we couldn't. There were also damselflies in good numbers. I managed a few half decent photographs, despite the blustery conditions. Once I've identified them, I will put up on flickr tomorrow. We then went to the hide for lunch and spent a couple of hours in the jovial company of Messrs Robertshaw and Leighton. The Marsh Harriers were showing well and various chicks had hatched.

My choice for a Blip today was easy. I was so intent on getting a clear photo of a Damselfly that had landed on the path in front of me, that I totally overlooked this huge, hairy caterpillar that was so nearly under my shoe!!

The question that is bugging me is, "what will it turn into?" Hopefully the very knowledgeable guys at Butterfly Conservation can help me. You can follow them on Twitter at @savebutterflies. They also do moths as well!

Added later : the concensus seems to be that it is a Drinker, Euthrix potatoria (Bradley number 1640). Thanks to all my Twitter pals for this ID!

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