While on my runs

By waipushrink

Looking down to see up

Today began with a trip to the supermarket before breakfast, as I had neglected to replenish the muesli supply, and I am so boringly repetitious with my breakfasts, I would not have coped without. As an aside, its how I rate a hotel. The last one Council organised for me, did not have good muesli. So I am unkeen on returning there.

Then followed a leisurely Saturday morning breakfast with the weekend Herald. Happy to see that the Highlanders are back on track for the finals of Super 15. Did the cryptic crossword, and then on to sorting out the study as the boys are staying the first part of the night with us, and that's where we have beds for them.

Garden centre took up some of the afternoon, looking for a plant for a friend for tomorrow, and of course we got more than that. A Chilean guava which grows only to 1.5 metres and has tiny tasty red fruit. I couldn't resist that as I reckon all the grandchildren will love to eat them when they come to stay at the Beach house.

Went out for my run in the late afternoon. At Coxs Bay, I could see that it was high tide, which meant that the water level in Cox's Creek was high, and the water itself was stationary. Along the boardwalk beside Cox's Creek, I could see great reflections, and I liked this the best of all. Even the muddy vegetation-less bank (after the removal of mangroves a few months ago) doesn't look too bad.

Although my camera was aimed downwards from the boardwalk, the image is (at least in part) of something way way up.

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