Sleeping on mummy

I know this is 'against the rules', I remember when I had Aidan the midwife told me I shouldn't let him sleep on me. Apparently this is because their sleeping on their tummy which is forbidden. As a mummy I feel there's nothing sweeter than this time with your baby though.

Logan struggles on with feeding. The HV suggested longer gaps between feeding which has had some success. Last night and this morning haven't been great though. Maybe it's just the comparison between Aidan and Logan that's throwing me off. They do seem to be totally different in this area. Apparently 'I know my baby best' so should know what to do. Great advice, not! Maybe this is their 'get out clause' so they don't get sued for giving the wrong advice. Rubbish.

Other than that things are going great. The boys are hard work and tiring but I'm managing to keep them both entertained on their days with just me. Still managing to make dinner and do the housework too. Very proud of myself, although extremely exhausted most nights!

We're going to get Aidan's feet measured again today as It seems to be getting harder to fasten his current ones. Hopefully we can do this without Aidan head butting the shop assistant this time!!

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