I Write with Light

By petespics

Look what I can do.

I'm glad I can't do what this fellow can do.
Ed and I had finished work and I noticed a herd of Guernsey calves in the next field.
So out come the camera. They were very interested in us which made for some good close up photos.
I took 316 in total. Most of them now deleted.
As a note when I did this blip the other day, I met another photographer doing a shoot. Joe and I got chatting and I mentioned Blipfoto to him.
And now he's joined. So if you want another perspective on Guernsey check out or even better subscribe to Libro's journal.
So now Guernsey has 3 blippers as far as I know, Me, Libro and Revmartin.
I'm waiting on my Blipfoto business cards so that will aid dissemination.

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