A Sasanach's Skye photos

By Sasanach

The 'Heb'

Many people remember the days when the 'Heb' (Hebridean Princess) was a car ferry. There must have been several ships of her design. I remember the one that plied between Uig on Skye and Tarbet on Harris. It also went to Lochboisdale. It took Clare and I out to Harris 34 years ago for our honeymoon.

Now it is owned by a private consortium who refitted it and made it into a cruise vessel motoring around the coast of Scotland. Today it has visited Portree again; we often see it.

I took the photograph as much for the ship as the trees in the picture. I was trying for maximum depth of field. The foreground tree is about 15 feet away and the one in the distance on the other side of the loch is about a mile and a half away. They are almost both sharp.

The image also is HDR meaning I took three images each pair one stop apart and then blended them back together. The draw-back to this is the fact that the wind was quite strong and the 'Heb' was swinging about like mad. So I had to take the three images as quickly as possible so that the final image wouldn't have a blurred ship.

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