Cute Free Loaders!!

So in comparison to yesterdays fun filled day today was full of hard work and pain.....yes I was gardening!

Today I foolishly did the following......

Cut a really big pile of fire wood for the week.....

Cut the hedges (we have a lot of hedges that the landlord had perfectly squared/rounded in a totally masochistic fashion)....I HATE hedging......feckin hedges!

Whipper snipped all around the garden(we have a stupidly large/ornamental/annoying garden.....

Got the leaf blower out and went all over the garden(see above)

Cut the 3 separate lawns that we have.....

And what do I have to show for it except an aching body and blisters on my soft/delicate hands....this picture of a cute wee bird!!!

All the activity around the garden brought loads of birds all excitedly digging for freshly exposed bugs and least he was happy!! Also they were very happy to come very close to you if you sat still for a moment.....this guy in the picture had the gall to take a crap on my Akubra that I had left on a pile of wood for a second !!

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