Doing Things Differently

By PhilWWalton

I Went To Look For The Leeds Peregrines........

.....and all I saw was this lousy Pigeon :0)

Well, thats not quite true. Rebecca and I went into Leeds to get some last minute things for her trip to Iceland next week. (More of which in later Blips) We started the morning off with breakfast at Carluccios in Greek Street. Not quite as atmospheric as the one opposite South Kensington Tube Station, but still well worth a visit. We both had the Magnifica, which is as good as the name suggests. The Milano coffee is smooth, sweet and strong. The slightly sharp orange juice compliments it. The scrambled eggs are perfect, the pancetta crispy and the mushrooms But still very tasty!

After that, we shopped. When my input was no longer needed, I spent half an hour or so watching for the Peregrines that have a territory that extends over Park Row and up to the Civic Hall. No luck. Just pigeons. Too cold, windy, rainy, dreary; choose your own adjective.

Even so, a very civilised way to spend a Sunday.

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