
By Petalpixie


Another Andy Scott sculpture arrived in The Shire last month. Just came across it the other day. It's called Lifeline - the community holding hands - to represent Alloa's regeneration.

I think I'd like it better if Asda, Aldi's and other buildings weren't about - makes it look too fussy. His other stuff sits with fields and the Ochils as the backdrop - far nicer. Anyways, what do I know!

Visited my wee gran. She was in a bit of a kerfuffle when I arrived, but she ended up laughing at herself which was good. We met my aunty pants and cousin for lunch and had a good chin wag. A quick drop in to say hello to more aunts, uncles and cousins then home again, home again.

Had a great run. Food and feet up now.

Happy Sunday evening.

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