BlipaEwan 41...

This is my monthly track of my children as they grow to see how they change as time goes by. I try to get them on the same date of each month (the one year ago thumbnail has proved a brilliant tool for this series) and in the same pose so that I can see how they change over time.

The big thing this month is most definitely nursery start. Ewan started nursery at the beginning of the month. He joins Bethany for the couple of months before the summer holiday where she will go up to primary one. He has joined her group as well so they will experience nursery together which is really nice. He does seem to be really loving it. He is one of only two children during this wee intake and he is the only one in the morning so essentially he's the only one in his morning class to start this month.

Ewan also had if first lone sleep over with Granny K. Apparently he was absolutely perfect for the duration and had a great time.

This obviously isn't the usual EwanBlip pose but we were out most of the day and back quite late so I went with this one which is close and has the added bonus of additional memory recollection of a wee part of the day at the beach building stuff.

You can check out the rest of this series and see her progress by entering the words tagged BlipaEwan into the Blip Search facility.

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