
18months 25 days

We've enjoyed our day today. We started out doing some pottering - Mummy's having an ebay clear out! So I was organising, photographing, and reorganising after Katie "organised"!

We headed out this morning, doing a spot of some puddle jumping as we went. That was going to be my blip but Jack's Mom did it way better! We were going to a new playgroup some of us have been asked to help start at a centre just over the street from me. It was the first time, and the guy's idea for risk assessment was to let the kids do it. Boy did he have a shock as to what they'd manage to turn into a risk. But the glass cabinet full of sweets being a problem really shouldnt have surprised him! It's going to be nice once we get the place more childproofed so we dont have to be an inch away from the children the whole time. There's an bouncy castle, tunnels and such that we're looking forward to getting out.

Katie informed me when it was time to go, and as often, she knew herself well enough. We stopped to buy a few bits, but when we got home, she lay on the cushions in the lounge and fell asleep! I carried her up to her bed and she slept well. I woke her up to see her surprise visitors - Granny and Grandad had stopped in for half an hour. They had a nice play with her before going back to work.

When they'd gone, Katie and I went to the nursery we visited last week to chat some more to the ladies. Katie was desperate to go off and play, which I guess is a fantastic start! The manager was there and she seemed great, she's really flexible and made some great suggestions about taking time over settling the children in when they're not used to being left.

Anyways, we came home and are about to set to and make a mushroom risotto for tea - with homegrown herbs. That is a big achievement for me. I kill every house plant I look at. So for these to have grown is some good going!!

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