Settling Down

By sloeginlin

Bowl full of memories

This is another beautiful wooden bowl that Alan just knocked up when he was working on his lathe. As you can see it has some stones and shells that I picked up from the beach when we visited Mundesley.

Alan is so very talented in everything that he does. He puts his mind to it and achieves whatever he attempts.

Me, if it goes wrong, I curse, throw it in the corner and eventually go back to it moons later!

The chooks are running around outside, I love to see them outside of their huge run, they love it too.

There is a massive grain store building being put up at the other end of our lane, so that the grain lorries dont have to chew up our new tarmac. The guys have been here a couple of weeks doing the foundations. Now we have a new lot of men actually putting the building up. I am looking forward to getting some shots of the process.

Might even get a few shots of the lovely brown, young, nubile men that will be doing the work. Oh errr, Mrs, my sister Tina will say!!

Watch this space, will it be another handmade bowl or vase, or a young god working in the sunshine...............go on have a bet!



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