
Its raining here. Went from warm sunny and happy to cold freezing and snowing on the mountains, rain in the valley. Not a big fan, I've been cold entirely too much in the last few days, however it always allows pretty moments like this.
Cerf, Jaren and Mitsika playing in my ears now. Love this song..

"Once upon a time you were my friend
Recent, though I know it feels like ages
Said we?d be together, ?til the end
Well come on back babe this is just a phase

Funny how the time, it ticks on by
Seconds I been losing when we use to fool away
I hope you feel the same when your just waiting, for me
To beg u to stay

Take a look inside I?m beggin? you
Daring you to change your mind
I know you?d say you?d try"
But again I?m beggin? you
Baby change ur mind
I?m beggin? you""

Sometimes I wake up and reach for a person that isn't there
(sometimes I long for strong arms around my waist holding me)
Light shines on my face, warming it and I smile
Hope is coming, will come in the end
NO matter what I think, hope is coming.
-copyright Adrienne Goetz 2011

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