Craig Brown Photography



One of those days where everything was sweet (in the awesomeness terms anyway)

I was given a call sometime last year i think, from a friend, who had a work colleague, who`s daughter was looking for a photographer, from their we did a shoot involving a wedding dress and a very smart "man in a suit" However todays shoot was something very different and exciting. The theme was very much sweets. 3 models, 3 different types of sweets and lots of fun!

Don`t get me wrong, the traditional family shoots do earn your crust... however they can get ever so slightly monotonous, These shoots on the other hand, through up wild and wacky ideas with vibrant make up, exaggerated poses and just general fun. I have to say, kudos to all involved, one of the best shoot`s i`ve worked on, with hopefully one of the best end products.

During the shoot i also got a brilliant call about another photocall tomoz, so thats that blip sorted :) THEN upon arriving home i found an email asking if i wanted to photograph the scottish cup final for the agency i work for... Not a bad day at all!!! :)

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