
By 42

Tick, Tick, Tick

I've always been interested in photography that shows the passage of time ... such a difficult thing to do well in a picture, that sense of time passing.

So, blipless this evening (quite normal for a busy, rainy Monday) I thought I would experiment by dangling my (scratched) watch from a thread and taking a long exposure to see if I could catch the second hand moving. It kinda works and I like the colours - a lot bolder than my usual shots.

Where does all the time go ... ?

The high note of the day was getting the print of this through the post. It looks pretty amazing in the glossy 15 x 10 and I can't wait to get it mounted and framed!

Hope your week's started OK. Thanks for all the kind comments yesterday!

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LOTD: Through Glass Eyes' paint splatter blip is a great angle and has fab light/colours.

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