Decisions made

What a day! I took Abigail into hospital this morning and there WAS A PARKING SPACE so I went in with her to see Archie... we spoke to a nurse about the oxygen and in her opinion/experience she thinks babies like Archie with Chronic Lung Disease do better going home on oxygen ..she reckoned Archie would have to be in Hospital at least 2 more months before it could be turned off ...meanwhile at home he would be stimulated awake and getting on with his life. She also said she thought babies hurried off the oxygen probably had permanent headaches ..I said 'Like being at high altitude?' 'Yes' she said..
So instead of seeing the oxygen as the enemy we should see it as a friend.

Later Abigail made an appointment to see the Consultant with Neil... but apparently Neil wasn't entirely convinced ... never mind I will slap him about a bit and he will calm down, he being a bit anxious about oxygen and Archie and his home ...

So the bottom line is subject to the bluddy oxygen company getting to the house to install pipes and things and the acquiring of a double pushchair for the transporting of Archie and an oxygen tank, it looks like it will be happening...

Oh and I held Archie today for the first time...apparently I was allowed to do this as soon as he moved into 'special care' as I am a 'designated carer' only Abigail didn't know, anyway Archie is now 6lbs 12ozs and a HEAVY lump...
I now have a cough that only surfaced in the dry atmosphere of the ward so I had to put him down quickly and pretend I had an urgent appointment .. Abigail understood my sign language and started to giggle aaagh the frustration...

Later still I picked Henry up from Nursery. At my house he wanted his breakfast I showed him my pipecleaner man and he thought it was funny
and if you get to the end of this you will immediately be rewarded with 10 blip points :)

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