The Blue Dragon

By dragon

Moaning Monday

OK so its a dreich day......but this lady in the green car really got up my nose.

Waiting in the car to pick up the kids, this woman pulls up and surveys the available parking, of which there was plenty, then turns around and parks right on the junction.
Not just back from it so you can see around the corner...oh no...right ON the corner!

To cap it all, while the rest of the parents went to the playground to pick up kids...she sat in the car till her kids came to her!!! AND then caused traffic chaos as she proceeded to talk to her pal while in the car sitting at the junction and her kids climbing in on the side the traffic was on!!!$$%%@@@.

Some people need to grow a brain.

PS I was parked in a legit space opposite the said junction :) Zoom is a great thing

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