Yes. They do.

Eeeeeeh. Homeagain although given an extra few minutes I'd have been able to blip as well as crop and edit this from Buchanan Street Bus Station under the curious gaze of a security man who was just asking to have his picture taken but who might have taken exception and assumed I was attempting to usurp the security network although if he'd had the sense to wander a bit to his right or even walk around behind the glass wall against which I was sitting he might even have noticed that I was mostly poking at pictures of train stations, albeit the people in them rather than the structures themselves and only Kilmarnock train station although to be fair three large freight trains went past to a mere one passenger train in the twenty minutes we waited there this afternoon to the curious background of the smell of vinegar at the south end of the station. Perhaps the people were merely a cover to make the photographs appear more innocent and non-terroristic. Luckily the man did not think to examine my activities further either by reflection or directly although the presence of rain and lack of her suitcase (carried by me from Central despite my refusal to use the case's wheels and my two other bags) evidently made Nicky walk faster than usual from her latest dress-fitting session (this time featuring the big hoopy underskirt thing she bought from eBay) and she arrived just as I was starting to type some random crap which I didn't bother to save.

After leaving it two months from the earviest recorded available date before starting on the Creme Eggs this year I lapsed again yesterday and bought six (though six singles rather than a packet of six as it worked out ninepence cheaper thanks to Tesco's strange offer-mathematics) and ate two of them during the course of the day though that's still only three since last week. Although a short but swift walk across Glasgow in the rain carrying an extra fifteen percent of my body mass and a walk to and from the sorting office after getting off the bus to retrieve my new mouse must have worked almost one off the other one is starting to kick in; it's a shame night-time bouncy-states can't be sort of saved but paused to enable sleep then re-instated the following morning when wondering whether or not to get up at the first alarm or just leave it for the second one. At least there are only four days this week when this decision must be made.

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