Mandy's Snaps

By mandyarmstrong

An imPRESSive purchase...

I've always found ironing quite 'enjoyable'. Not in the same way as a nice bar of chocolate, or a glass of wine, but in a more satisfying, productive kind of way. I started ironing when I was very young, helping out at home; then as I got older I had to deal with the horrors of rented student accommodation, which brought with it the perils of the goods within.

When we brought our first house in the early 90's, I owned my first ever ironing board, and despite only ever owning 2 ironing boards, have got through numerous irons in the process.

Then the children came along. The ironing pile increased. Sometimes it got done, most of the time it was left stacked up in the spare room.

Then I became more organised (or the children got older), to the point where these days as long as I keep on top of the children's ironing, my own can wait. The dry washing gets folded and put in the wardrobe, and I take it out as I need it. Not everyone's ideal I'm sure, but it works for me.

After months of talking about getting a new ironing board cover, I finally ordered one. Mr A in particular, will be pleased, as he irons his own shirts for work, and can press a crease in trousers that you could cut your finger on. So there you have my blip for today...a little odd, yes, but it's something that holds a prominent place in our busy household. And apologies for the awful title I've given this blip!

Happy Wednesday everyone!

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