New Bikes

This evening I brought Alfred (Right) and Duncan (Left) to Mzuzu (City?) to choose new bikes. Steve just came for company.
Alfred will soon move to a new house at the roadblock where part of the deal will be to protect and manage the Citrus grove, a barter arrangement. His day job will still be on the farm, but he will bring bananas in the evenings for sale closer to the city. SO HE NEEDS A BIKE.
Duncan, who works in the pump factory, has already began life on his bike (Cascas bike), answering calls about new pump installation, teaching about well size and depth, showing how to make the cover and examining the completed well and taking the measurement for the new pump. He also does flying maintenance visits. As a result less money is spent on vehicles and fuel.
SO HE ALSO NEEDED A BIKE. Steve also works at the pump factory.
The bikes have to be serviced before use, which is not part of the price of 22500 Malawi Kwacha about 100 Euro. Part of the cost will be deducted from their monthly salaries.

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