this lovely life

By kellyrenee


But not devastated. See, that's the cool thing. There is always another race. Even if you're just the guy trying to deal with a malfunctioning copy machine.

Amazing what these guys go through, what they put into it because they love it so much. Not just racing, but working to support the racers and the event. Everyone knows this is an addiction, this sport. I can most certainly - and happily - attest to that. It has been so kind to me, this addiction. It has brought so much to my life that I didn't even realize was missing.

Okay, I knew something was missing. I kind of knew exactly what it was, too. But I give a lot of credit to this world that I am a part of for helping me know that no matter what, everything I have ever dreamt of - and more - was right there for me. If only I would know that I deserved it. That I deserved better. That I deserved the best.

Now I know.

Erin is happy
Tori is happy
Mommy is happy

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