Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight

More turmoil

Today I had to defend myself against mischief and that came on unexpectedly; realised I need to be more on the alert. Later on I came across a nice quote that was helpful: Never walk faster than your shoes do!

And I managed a stroll and blipped these torsos that are placed amidst the ministerial offices in the city's centre; in other words amidst the nation?s power.

These giants express two different motions and because of their giant size they come on as very impressive to me.
Portrayed in this blip they directly cry out the association with IMF's mr. DSK Here the righter half is all powerful and attractive just because he is dominant and assertive. And it's a fact that powerful people often gamble. Gambling and risking in the end narrows their view because of their keen focus.
They risk more and more until they do it recklessly - like DSK like JFK like Bill Clinton like Silvio Berlusconi etc. etc.

This giant on the left side is tormented and cannot bear the shame and blame.
So very much a portrait like for IMF mr. Dominique SK. I imagine it is not incidental that these powerful moods are expressed here and in giants gents

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