Paul by myself


You're fired!

I don't believe it my Apprentice sweepstake pick got kicked out tonight!

To be honest though as the episode unfolded it was completely clear to me that Gavin would be the fall guy if his team lost, as they inevitably did. He didn't have a clue, imploring people to "calm down" or "chill out" does not a good manager make. Especially when it was the total opposite of what they should be doing, they should have all been freaking out and buying like mad!

If Cobra Commander (pictured above) was running the show and not Lord Sugar I think Gavin would have met a more grizzly fate than simply being eliminated from a reality TV show. Being dropped into a pit of poisonous snakes head first or fed to a killer whale may have been some of the punishments on the menu, G.I. Joe's arch nemesis does not forgive failure easily.

Ah well never mind I'm out of the running but it's still a quality show, roll on the next episode.

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