PomPom Pilates

By orangepress

Festival Fountain

Back in 1951, the Festival of Britain was devised by Labour deputy leader Herbert Morrison as "a tonic for the nation". A newsreel of the time described it as giving an "inexplicable lift to the heart", recreating the feel of a trip to the seaside.

Ten million people - one-quarter of the population - visited the London festival and its sister sites across the country.

The Southbank Centre mark the 60th anniversary of the Fesitival with a summer of celebrations. Tracey Emin is providing art, Ray Davies, the music and Heston Blumenthal serves a 1950s-inspired afternoon tea. And it runs day and night from April 22 to September 4, 2011.

Look how much fun. Just listening to these squeals of delight convinced me.

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