
By thespotlightkid

Amazona in South Street

The computer hard drive went into the danger zone on Tuesday - all those 6 MB picture files I've been putting on it! So I've had to spend the last three evenings housekeeping the system, deleting everything that isn't precious, resizing files, and such like. I found a file within the Windows operating system that has 38GB of apparent junk in it, but it seems necessary to run Vista so it will have to stay. Slightly irritating to have to sacrifice pictures rather than apparent junk, but then it's a good thing to prune out the mediocre photos so that you end up with just the decent ones.

These guys brightened up the high street when I went into town at lunchtime, and I'm a sucker for panpipe music anyway.

I've added a couple of back-blips here and here

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