Fake Skylines

By fakeyskies

Memories of King Kowloon

Finally went to this exhibition of "Memories of King Kowloon" held in ArtisTree, TaiKoo Place.

It is all about a calligraphy artist "Tsang Tsou Choi" who died a few year ago. He wrote all these "graffiti" all over Hong Kong. Cement walls, posters, lampposts, utility boxes, pillars, pavements,... wherever he could paint.

He claimed himself as "King of Kowloon", and most of those graffiti were about his family history. Because of painting in these public area is always illegal, his graffiti was always being repeatedly painted over, but he often went back and painted again.

Above is my favourite capture in the exhibition, with Mr. Tsang's graffiti in behind a English postbox.

Maybe he was really mentally illness, but his graffiti was unique in the world. And it become part of collective memory this century in between [British Colony Hong Kong] and [HKSAR, China].

You can view more about Mr. Tsang here on wiki.

More details about this exhibition. Some more nice photos from ArtisTree's Web.

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