Starry Eyed Surprise

By bellerock

The grass is always greener...

when new turf has just been laid.

As we are in the middle of 'Pimp my house' we're giving the back garden a make over as the chickens/puppies have destroyed nearly every blade of grass in the lawn over the last 12 months.

Finally Bill the Gardener came today to lay the new lawn and as i was at work, left instructions on how to care for it until he returns in a couple of weeks to do the first cut.

Rule No 1 Make sure you water the grass if it doesn't rain.

Rule No 2 Keep the animals off the grass until it takes..

Well it did rain today, so I don't need to worry about that one.

Rule No 2? well, those little feather monkeys have escaped from their pen about a zillion times this evening.

Claire and I are fed up catching them in the act of escaping or merrily scratching and munching at the new turf.

When Mr G gets home tomorrow tighter security fencing will have to be constructed or else Bill won't be happy!

But who can blame the chooks? the grass is always greener.

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