In passing

By passerby

Morning again

I wrote this yesterday and I find a very strong similarity with this poem, written so many years back. Nature appeals to us with a newness we find impossible to mirror in our words of praise. But here is my small attempt.


The sun, like a burning coin bites into the horizon,
Birds wrap scarves of the wind around their wings.
They chirp; their little sounds are awake like sentinels of light.
Flowers turn their faces to the skies,
And stars move backstage.

Sleep, a reason for us all to be children again,
To dream dreams that reveal only the little things,
Unchanged things; then we rise into a sudden adulthood.
The songs of the morning become knocks upon closed eyes.
Let us sleep again then, so that we may rise to another sun,
So that our ears grow wise with beauty, tuned to an eternal music.
So that mist, like a friend, reveals as it does hide,
And we see infinity, where all our songs meet.

Let us shake off our dust-coated cloak, that covers our soul
With the bitterness of a past and the fear of a future
And rise to find ourselves at one
With the smell of the soil, and the dew on the leaves,
Let us awaken once again to become that little song morning sings.

Also, the phrase 'Eternal Music' belongs to Tagore, not me. I am surprised how subconsciously, it has crept into this poem. On re-reading it, I couldn't find a better phrase to replace it with. It seems so apt to me, in terms of the thought. So, I leave it as it is.

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