Look, See, Click

By lookseeclick


IDAHO Day - International Day against Homophobia and Transphobia (and no, it's definitely not IDAHAT) is on 17th May each year and marks the World Health Organisation's decision to remove homosexuality from its list of mental disorders in 1990. As 2011 marks the 21st anniversary Norwich Pride held a 21 minute party today, the 21st May, in the city centre and it was fantastic!

About a dozen of us from the choir sang, there was some beautiful chocolate birthday cake and the Pride Poet, Vince Laws, had written a poem that fits in neatly with the 2011 theme of As I Am: we are all different and unique, it is our differences that complete our humanity. 80 different people were each given a word to read out (in sequence, of course) which was then filmed, will be edited into a movie and then uploaded to the international IDAHO site.

The almost-complete Norwich Pride banner was also on display - it's looking great! But not quite ready to be posted here. Yet ....

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