From Dawn to...

By DawnCHS

Bring the Boys Back Home

An amazing day!

After working early, Jane and I went to Lancaster so I could meet with my dissertation supervisor, who told me that I can and should get a First for my dissertation - as long as I tidy up my writing technique.

Then we went for a walk along a beach. It was a bit blowy, so we didn't stay long and then headed off to Manchester to see Roger Waters play The Wall. It has been one of my Favourite albums and Film for a VERY long time. (It is not my favourite Pink Floyd album though - That is The Final Cut.)

I know I sound old - but they just don't make them like this anymore. Waters lyrics are so political and makes it clear what he thinks of war, the politics of the time and the way society behaves. And a lot of what he says is still relevant today. Especially this. In the intermission, the wall was filled with people killed in conflict, of all denominations. See here hereand here.

I think we SHOULD bring the boys (and girls) back home - all of them.

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