A Day At The Races

Ladies and Gentlemen, I'd like to welcome you all to today's main event, The Slime Gold Cup.

Going is moist to puddley in places, thanks to an overnight shower, but I believe this will suit Gary. Shelly is here to make up the numbers, and quite frankly Bryan has only just woken up.

All the clever money is on Eskar, third up from the bottom.

Ohhhhhhh AND THEY ARE OFF.....

......Gary has made a good start

.....looks like Shelley had better pursue her dressage dreams, flat racing seems not to be her forté

........Bryan seems to be doing a little sightseeing

..................ooooh and we have a winner, Eskar is over the line, a lucky poke of the eyestalk there and pipped Gary to the post, lucky we have blip to provide the photo finish!

And now for the slo-mo action replay.......Would you look at that Eskar go?

(please please please say the last question outloud!! you know you want to!!)

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