naomis world

By Naomibartlett

The race is on...

The start of windemere marathon. A gruelling 26.2 miles around lake windemere (lots of ups and down included) I'm very proud of Greg who we went to see in this today, he completed it in 3 hours 31 and 52 seconds. he was in fact so quick that we missed him finishing! oops we were sat at the edge cheering in all the runners waiting for him, when he appeared out of no where declaring that he had finished ages ago, (bit gutted really - but I'm sure everybody else appreciated that cheers) I was thinking he would be nearer to 4 hours so we were happily watching a band. (maybe we can talk him into doing it again next year so we can can see him arrive back)
Big well done to all those running today, especially those who completed the 10 marathons on 10 days challenge!

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