Waiting for Jonny

By yearofhappy

Post Rapture: Day 1

I have woken up in a white glowy place and all around is ice cream

This must be heaven...

Hooray I fared well in the apocalypse. I guess JC must have overlooked that bottle of cider in 1987 and the time I wouldn't share my fudge with my sister.

So now that's all over with how are the rest of you enjoying the after life ???

Somehow though in this here heaven place there is still the need to excercise so I have been for a huge run and swim today and feel very good, if a little wasted, luckily I have a comfy cloud to sleep on tonight.

They were very good at the pearly gates they also let me bring this print with me that my mate Laura once gave me when we were on that thing called Planet Earth, do you all remember that place?

I still look at this print and smile and remember that when we were all alive, I was known as the woman with no taste and that applied to ice cream, music and pretty much anything.

Right let's see what Sunday night TV is like up on The Paradise Channel..


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