vain as one

Had a lovely day today. decided to go to Wellesbourne Market and then onto Stratford as we hadn`t been to either for a while.
Called into the Antiques Barn on the Binley roundabout near Coventry. Had lunch there and bought some nice bits and pieces
Drove to Wellesbourne, bit of a disappointment loads the same old stuff which we didn`t need, bought some new safety boots which Chris did need, ordered a little statue for the garden which we will have to go back for next week then because it was late in the day we gave Stratford a miss and went to Hatton Garden World. Great place for adults and children, some beautiful shops selling lovely unusual things and a cafe which does the most gorgeous cream teas of which we had to indulge ourselves.
On our way out we followed this Peacock into the carpark. He was screeching to another bird somewhere on the park and to get a better vantage point, flew onto the top of a car where he proceeded to strut his stuff. I couldn`t get a decent shot of him but his tail feathers are stunning

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