Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Small angry boy

We had a lovely day today. A day trip to the far edge of Norfolk to see very good friends and their four kids, who live in Melbourne Australia. They are renting an awesome barn 'on the edge of Nowhere' and a few miles from the beach which is where, despite the wind, we spent the afternoon.

Despite the look of this photo the six kids had a fantastic time running around in the sand dunes, being buried alive and burying R alive up to his neck. William however does continue with his temper tantrums, they are mostly down to frustration due to being made to do something he doesn't want to, or from frustration of not being able to make himself understood. This really doesn't capture the full magnitude of his temper but it does fulfil this weeks challenge which is anger.

William took a real liking to R and followed him around the kitchen while he was preparing tea, wanting a cuddle, which was really cute to see. It was lovely to see how our Godson has grown and matured into a lovely six year old. The girls have all grown too, E is the lovely big sister, turning 9 soon and marshalling the little ones when required. O and A I saw back in November, but it was great to see Carys and O pick up their friendship where it left off last year. They could be a dangerous combination in years to come, it maybe a good job that they live on opposite sides of the world. A is really cute and very blonde. She maybe six months older than Will and more verbal, but I am not sure she knew what to make of my determined little boy.

It is days like these that make me realise how lucky we are to have such wonderful friends and how much we miss them when we are on othersides of the world. We do love you lot and the madness and the chaos that you inevitably bring with you.

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