
By middleman


It never surprises me that family holidays are often categorized by children going to bed too late, not getting enough sleep and then being grumpy the next day. Not saying nowt in particular there, but it was at approximately 10.00 that I found myself making a trip down to the beach alone with just camera and ipod for company.

I've been a big fan of Alela Diane for a good few years now, she just has a certain something about her that really appeals. So, I was a bit underwhelmed with her new album on first listen so thought I'd give it a go with a roaring sea in front of me and a howling wind all around. Still not entirely convinced by her more polished sound, but her voice is certainly as fine as ever.

And, as you come to the part of the site where our van is there's a sign that informs you that you are 'Entering Red Zone'. It sounds a bit more dangerous than the corresponding Blue and Yellow areas. I was hoping for a 'Green Zone' if only for the quasi-militaristic feel, not to mention the obvious movies reference but alas, not here.

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