Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage

False Image

Interestingly, I once uploaded all of my images directly from the camera with no attempt to process at all. Awhile back, discovering the "upload and edit" button, I started using blip's features to crop my photos.

Now, I have to admit, I'm playing with the sharpness, the color, the saturation, etc., any time I think I can make the photo a bit more pleasing to my eye. Since we are all so different, I have no way of knowing if it is more pleasing to your eye.

I enjoy these vintage roses which I keep at my desk. I enjoy them a lot, and I have a natural 'light box' that occurs in my environment in the evening on any sunny day. All of the photos I took of my favorite vintage...but just come out looking false. Therefore, I have played with this quite a bit. It looks like something I might have seen printed somewhere.

I may take a photo of something truly lovely or interesting before the day is out. If so, I will upload a truer image. Just because.

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