
By JohnD

Are You the Gatekeeper?

Cos I am the Gate-painter! (Apologies to the Ghostbusters!)
The wrought iron railings round the house seemed a good idea 20 odd years ago but they do need regular attention. This entails visits to B&Q etc for sanding materials, wire brushes, primer and glossy black outdoor paint. I kind of get used to emulsions which dry in 10-15 minutes but this stuff takes 5/6 hours to go touch dry and a full 24 hours between coats.
Oh well, one down, three to go!
At least gates can be dragged into the garage for treatment during inclement weather i.e. right now. The poor old fence, stuck down on top of the wall, has to rough it out, hail, rain or shine. No wonder the rust gremlins start nibbling away at any opportunity, especially in corners and angles.
Another wet & windy day but we went down the wood sharp this morning to survey the damage. Several trees are toppled and many more have lost big chunks while the paths are well covered in torn off leaves and twigs. A better day tomorrow, oh pleeeese.

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