
By Appreciation

The Lion the Bumble Bee and the Tea

When all around you is chaos. When your girl is up to her neck in study and struggling to retain anything. When your No 1 boy is crippled in pain, drawn and frustrated by his own inabilities to help his daughter understand his favourite subject. When your boy is full of in, out, leave a mess, and run, and you are tired, stressed, and feeling just a pathetic bit sorry for yourself, there can only be one solution.

Go have tea with the furry bumble bee who really wants to be a lion. I can see his courageous spirit fighting to the fore here. Despite his battle scars he is brave and relentless in his pursuit of the perfect tea. He will battle any invading bug who is poncing around with their flowery, herbal teas, and he will deliver solid, strong, builders, strength giving tea. Then you can stop... breathe and enjoy.

I'm putting my feet up a wall and may even stand on my head soon. Then perhaps me and the bumble lion can share another pot.

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