accidental awesome

By alexamato

I was almost killed taking this blip, literally. (like that Euan?)

A car was parked on the pavement on Princes Street (because, that's where cars are supposed to park, right?) out in front of the souvenir shop next to Tie Rack. I think it was an employee delivering or picking something up.

Either way, I was kneeling down to get this shot with my headphones on listening to Headlights. I looked to my left, for no particular reason, and the car that was parked was now quickly reversing towards me and about 10 feet away. It was only when I stood up that the car stopped and the driver realised that there was somebody behind him.

That would have been fun.

In darker news, this prick held an announcement about Judgment Day.....which apparently did happen, but just spiritually.

He still holds that October 21st will be the end of the world. Great, I'll plan a party for it.

The thing is this whole thing isn't actually even funny. Families have given up all of their money and possessions planning to be scooped up and taken away. Now they're still on Earth with nothing. I can't even find that funny because I see that it's those that aren't capable of thinking for themselves that fall into these traps set by con-artists such as Camping. He's been given millions of dollars from families with nothing so he can promote his make-believe event. I honestly believe criminal charges should be brought against him for fraud.

Rant over, time for dinner.

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