
By notabeve

Marsh Marigolds

Caltha palustris, or roughly, "goblets from the marsh." (I really like Latin names, in case you hadn't already guessed. Google allows me indulge the proclivity.) Another thing we saw this trip that we don't usually because we came earlier than usual this year.

I took lots of photos of these with both cameras. But when RS said "Did you take some looking up the stream?" I had to hand him the camera and say, "Well, I think so but here, show me what you mean." And voilá, this is what he meant. My knees and glutes scream at the idea of holding the position he did long enough to get this. He also managed not to dunk his bottom in the stream.

Apparently these were once believed to be an effective cure for warts. Had I known I might have waded in barefoot and mashed one or two between my toes!

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