
By murraymonster

Fuzzy Wuzzy Bumblebee

I managed to overcome my irrational fear of buzzy creatures today and take some very close-up pictures of these little HUGE fellas. I don't normally do pictures of flowers (more here) but when surrounded by the array of beautiful specimens today, I felt I had no choice! You see, H, F and I had a little excursion to Parcevall Hall Gardens today. What a beautiful place!! So much to see and explore in what is really only a small garden. The kids had a great time navigating the various paths and we picnicked in the sun on one of the terraces. Lovely! :-)

Open water swimming tonight - 14 degrees MY A*SE! It was proper head in clamp temperature. More like 11 or 12 degrees, I think. Still, we soldiered on and covered 3 laps, so about 1500 metres before conceding defeat. Still wearing my duvet jacket, guzzling Cherry Coke (apparently it kills the bugs one might ingest when open water swimming) and desperately in need of a hot shower!

C's challenges at work continue. She is trying to order her thoughts about what she wants to do and what her next move should be. Good to talk it through this eve. I'm convinced there will ultimately be a positive outcome from all of this but at the moment, there is still too much uncertainty to see what that may be. Some PMA required over the coming weeks me thinks...wouldn't you agree Linford?! :-)

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