Snapshot of today

By fiona64

And it was this windy today!

Ventured a very quick walk out the moor with the dog late afternoon as there was actually some blue in the sky! Still pretty windy though (as you can see!).

Loads od birds at the table bird feeder. The Greenflinch fledglings have actually spent most of the day there and I've had to put more seeds out 4 times today as between them and the House Sparrows they have just about devoured my supply of seeds. Will have to buy more this week. It's really lovely seeing them and took some photos, but the one of Mercedes won the day as it shows how windy it was. Hopefully the wee Greenflinches will be back tomorrow and I'll blip them.

The other newcomers (the Ducklings) are now in the safe 'crow proof' pen with the Ducks. The second duck has decided that she's fed up being a mum and has left the upbringing to No 1 Duck, who seems quite happy to take them all under her wing. They are growing bigger by the day and will also have to stock up on some more duckling food. Anyway, if I don't manage a Greenfinch family blip tomorrow I'll try to get the duckings.

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